
  • Picture of Questlove dressed in a red and white sweater and blue blazer with a heart on the lapel

    Questlove Is Ready for the Next Phase of His Career

    The Oscar- and Grammy-winning musician, filmmaker, author, entrepreneur and publisher continues to do it all. But now he’s also taking a longer view of life, focusing on a message of health, community and education that will inform his legacy.

  • Illustration of businesswoman Sheila Johnson with a pink background

    Sheila Johnson, Salamander Collection CEO, Shares Her Journey of Success in New Memoir

    The first African American woman billionaire thrives on proving people wrong

  • Picture of Planks & Pisi

    Celebrating Black History, Joy, and Creativity Through the Art of Flowers

    John Caleb Pendleton learned to arrange flowers as a creative outlet and a way to support his mental health. Now, his floral art and installations inform a movement for Black justice, memory, triumph, and joy.


  • Illustration of a Black woman juggling planets

    Black women and the glass cliff: ‘I was supposed to bring some kind of Black Girl Magic’

    In 2009, Minda Harts was promoted into a senior-level role in fundraising at a university. It felt like a big accomplishment, and she was eager to leave her mark. Only Harts wasn’t aware how much work she’d need to do to clean up a department that was already in shambles. Two years later, she quit.

  • Illustration of a woman of color caring for her child and on the phone with her father

    The Exhausting Balancing Act of Motherhood and Caregiving

    Women of color in the sandwich generation share their stories of straddling two worlds at the same time

  • Picture of two ballpoint pens hugging against a yellow background

    Preventing Burnout is Now Job One for Bosses

    Between layoffs and hiring freezes and a newfound laser focus on profits and productivity, today’s employees are being asked to do more with fewer resources—a one-way ticket to burnout.


  • Stock image featuring multicolored silhouettes

    8 Things I’ve Learned From 4 Failed IVF Cycles

    You’ve probably heard the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Well, when it comes to in vitro fertilization (IVF, a form of assisted reproductive technology in which doctors combine egg and sperm in a lab dish before transferring the embryo to the uterus), the saying is likely “try, try, and try some more. And maybe you’ll get the result you want.”

  • Picture of a Black woman riding an exercise bike

    Losing My Peloton Streak Helped Me Combat My Perfectionism

    When I first considered buying a Peloton, I read a lot of reviews. The one that ultimately convinced me to purchase a bike and join the popular at-home fitness app? A user raved about the blue dots members earn for each completed workout.

  • Picture of a Black woman engaging in pole fitness

    How Pole Dancing Helped Me Embrace My Postpartum Body

    Reflections from a new mother on rediscovering her passion and being able to embrace her body in the process.

Content Writing

  • Picture of Netflix star Christine Chu and her husband looking at their newborn baby

    ‘Bling Empire’ Star Christine Chiu Gets Real About Her Fertility Journey

    “I had held it in and that wasn’t great for my mental health. There’s so much power in talking it through.”

  • Picture of a woman journaling and looking out of a window

    11 Gratitude Exercises to Help You Adopt a More Positive Mindset

    Cultivating gratitude is good for your mental and physical health—and these exercises make the practice simple.

  • Picture of author Alicia Kennedy standing in front of bookshelves

    Care, Culture, and Tradition: Alicia Kennedy’s Love Affair with Food

    Author Alicia Kennedy explores the cultural history of plant-based eating and looks ahead to the future.

Nonprofit & Corporate Communications

  • Front cover of a report featuring multiple pictures with women talking to each other

    10 Minutes to Togetherness

    The Oscar- and Grammy-winning musician, filmmaker, author, entrepreneur and publisher continues to do it all. But now he’s also taking a longer view of life, focusing on a message of health, community and education that will inform his legacy.

  • Cover of Women Unite!'s 2024 impact report

    Women Unite! 2024 Midyear Report

    Our mid-year report is a testament to this belief, this understanding that our individual decisions to choose abundance, hope, and compassion have a collective impact across communities and cities.

  • An article about the next generation of mental health leaders featuring an image of a therapist with Sista Afya Mental Wellness & Community Care

    Sista Afya 2023 Midyear Report

    Sista Afya Community Care is committed to maintaining an excellent standard of care in everything we do. Because our community deserves the best.